A year to go for PRINTPACK INDIA 2021
Till date 201 companies confirm their participation
PRINTPACK INDIA 2021 is scheduled to be organised from February 03-08, 2021 at India Expo Centre, Greater-Noida (Delhi-NCR). The marketing of space for the 15th edition of the trade expo on printing and packaging machines and technologies is progressing beyond expectation. The expo will add two new segments in the 2021 edition—Signage and Screen Printing.
Now the exhibitor profiles at the 15th PRINTPACK INDIA will be pre-press, press, post-press, label printing, signage, screen & textile printing, corrugation, converting, rigid & flexible packaging, service & software, paper, consumables, spare parts and others.
Publicity in India and abroad
During November and December 2019, the organiser IPAMA (Indian Printing Packaging and Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association) had participated in number of domestic exhibitions organised in different states for marketing and publicity of PRINTPACK INDIA 2021. The IPAMA Marketing Team had also been to Bangladesh, Nepal, Iran, Philippines and UAE during the months, not only for participation in offshore exhibitions, but also for marketing of the 15th edition of PRINTPACK INDIA. The results were turned out extremely well.
Stands get booked
Various Indian and overseas companies/organisations have come forward for entering into agreements with IPAMA for selling the exhibition space on mutually agreed terms and conditions. Even though a year is still left for the curtain raising ceremony of PRINTPACK INDIA 2021, as on January 17, 2020, a total of 201 Indian and overseas exhibitors have already booked their stands by remitting the requisite space charges. The ‘priority numbers’, generated based on bank statement indicating the date of remittance, have also been conveyed to the respective companies. The exhibition stands will be allotted based on ‘priority numbers’.
Early bird discount
As the last date for ‘early bird discount’ (April 30, 2020) is also approaching, the booking of space for PRINTPACK INDIA 2021 will get further swing during the coming months. It has been stated that, during PRINTPACK INDIA 2019, the entire space had been booked by the exhibitors two months before the show. Around 100 companies had been kept in the waiting list for allotment of space against cancellation. However, the companies could not get a chance as there were no cancellations.
For participation in PRINTPACK INDIA 2021 the companies are not going to take a chance. IPAMA is expecting to close the booking of space by end of November 2020. Thereafter, the companies can be provided space only against cancellation.
Designated halls
During the PRINTPACK INDIA 2019, IPAMA had reserved few halls segment-wise for displaying machinery and other related products. This scheme was appreciated not only by the exhibitors but also by the business visitors who had direct entry to the respective halls of their interest. For PRINTPACK INDIA 2021, separate designated halls for corrugation, label, screen printing, signage, printing and packaging have also been planned.