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Verdict for Markless Register Control

QuadTech, the worldwide leader and innovator of press control technology, has been granted a preliminary injunction against QI Press Controls for infringing QuadTech’s German patent covering markless register control technology.

In an urgency proceeding, the Düsseldorf district court released its decision on June 17, 2008, deciding that QI Press Controls cannot market or otherwise sell its markless register control system (mRC) in Germany.

As per press release, QuadTech’s rights in the German part of European patent EP 0-598-490 on markless register control technology date back to 1992. The company holds patents for the same technology in a number of countries. According to company president Karl Fritchen, QuadTech sought the preliminary injunction to prevent unauthorized use of technology that QuadTech has invested substantial time and money to develop and protect. “To the extent that others infringe QuadTech’s intellectual property, we will evaluate those instances on a case-by-case basis and act accordingly to protect our rights and the innovative products we bring to the marketplace,” he said.

While in the official statement to QuadTech press release, Menno Jansen, chairman, QI Press Controls, commented, "Of course, it is a setback for us not to be able to promote our latest innovation to the fullest in the German market and to deprive this market to benefit from the advantages the system offers in markless mode. However, we will go into appeal to the decision of the Regional Court Dusseldorf."

The mRC is the only, operational, fully automatic colour and cut-off register system for web offset presses that can use both the printed image and printed micro marks as its reference. In case mRC is running in ‘mark-mode,’ it will be using the world’s smallest register marks, which are virtually invisible by the naked eye.

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