Issue: Vol # 10 No # 4 July Aug 2015
'India annually demands
2.6 million tonnes of newsprints'
Smart and bright future of print!
“We do not sell inks, we market them”
SPMCIL gets a new bank note
paper line of 6,000 MT capacity
ProImage solution chosen for centralise
production of all sites of Morris
Ethiopian printer propelled with
two new PRESSLINE web presses
Innovations keep showering
from PRAKASH web offset
News & Activities
Printers’ CEOs neglecting ‘cost in use concept’
Al-Qasswa as new agent for Q.I. Press Controls-EAE in Saudi Arabia
E. Holterdorf orders for big retrofit from EAE
The Indian Express launches its 10th edition from Jaipur
Crossword Bookstore set all to get reading back in vogue
Micro Inks rechristened Hubergroup India
KBA’s Production Open Days
Other News
Group Publications