Demands for Krause PlateStream CTP escalate among Indian newspapers
Ever since its launch during drupa 2016 at Dusseldorf in Germany, the new Krause PlateStream CTP has increasingly been adopted by the leading newspaper houses across the world. In India, a handful of highly reputed newspaper houses have installed this perfectly engineered peak performance platesetter designed for more than 400 pph.
Krause PlateStream CTP is designed with 1 or 2 (multi-format) loading bays for trolley or pallet loading with up to 3,000 plates per bay, plus optional panorama cassette. It integrates future oriented Industry 4.0 and 3D components. This latest Krause CTP generation for newspapers has been increasingly adopted by a number of leading newspaper houses across the globe, which includes a handful of top notch newspapers in India.
Jagaran Group has installed Krause PlateStream CTPs in three of their production facilities located in Noida, Kanpur and Lucknow. The Times of India’s Manesar plant is equipped with this newly launched Krause CTP system. In south, Malayala Manorama is the adopter of the new Krause PlateStream CTP. This new Krause platesetter can be configured with left or right loading central operation of two machines for control and loading. Tab-Control for PlateStream and BlueFin Run in the device can operate at ease remotely through app.
Krause PlateStream CTP is available in diverse models, viz. 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400, ideally designed for medium to high volume newspaper productions. Depending on the model, the platesetter can handle up to 400+ single plates per hour, with maximum size of 640 x 914 mm in single/panorama/commercial plate formats. Maximum plate exposure size is up to 610 x 914 mm. The types of plates the system supports include Krause-certified 405 nm CTP plates (30-150μJ/sq cm).
Violet laser diode 405 nm in the platesetter has a long life span, approximately 10,000 exposing hours, which eventually results in an overall low operation and replacement cost. In term of power consumption, the system consumes barely 0.3 kw per plate. Krause Snap-Lock electronic 3 point register system in the platesetter helps in instant plate changing for higher productivity. Capable for one plate per imaging cycle, Krause PlateStream CTP boasts perfect register accuracy in four colour sets.
When it comes resolution, Krause PlateStream CTP is designed for 1,016 – 1,270 dpi with HR option up to 2,540 dpi at full scanner speed with TIFF-Stream. In highest quality with stepless resolution adjustment, it produces a commercial like daily magazine at incredible speed.
After all, Krause PlateStream CTP provides user-friendly operation, loading from left or right with trolleys or pallets with no requirement for extra space. Optionally, a panorama cassette is available to hold up to 30 panorama plates. And all this technology is built into a small housing, which is why PlateStream incorporates highest CTP specification at smallest floor space.
Even more convincing are the new Krause PlateStream developments and the technical components that achieve the peak of perfection goal. For example, the Krause Juwel Ultra 3.0 carefree quality imaging electronics plus the innovative TIFF-Stream board in the system are designed to run the machine with highest quality at full speed. In order to match these developments with high speed mechanics, Krause has designed ‘Snap-Lock’ register plate alignment and ‘Mikro-Direct-Drive’ system that allow for almost continuous imaging of plates. The Krause PlateStream represents state-of-the-art technology for future oriented and integrated CTP production. Among the Indian adopters, Hindustan Times is another big player which has decided to adopt a Krause PlateStream CTP soon.