QIPC-EAE Smart Pre-Setting System and Multi-Sectional Control
Want to know all about smart ink key and damp pre-setting system of Q.I. Press Control (QIPC)? Or learn how Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE)’s innovative multi-sectional control allows you to operate your press with a single desk instead of 4? Then the right place for learning all these is at the QIPC-EAE booth of World Publishing Expo 2019 in Berlin.
World Publishing Expo 2019 WPE, which is scheduled from October 8 – 9 at Messe Berlin, is a confluence where generates next business for publishers and content strategists. News and content generate business! This will be highlighted by the IFRA World Publishing Expo where QIPC-EAE is presenting its Smart Pre-Setting System and Multi-Sectional Control, which make news publishing smarter than ever.
Smart pre-setting
Every printer wants to get the best out of his machine. But finding the optimal measurement and control values for both the ink keys and damping solution manually can be quite a task. QIPC’s Smart Pre-setting system automates this accurate and time-consuming work thanks to innovative self-learning software. The system has already been successfully rolled out in several printing plants.
“In general, we can say that after a week of production with Smart Pre-setting, we achieve an accuracy that is 20 percent higher than with conventional systems,” explains Menno Jansen, Director, QIPC. He adds, “Depending on the type of press and production, this can be as much as 40 percent. This results in considerable savings in terms of time and waste.”
Ink keys
The Smart Pre-setting System is self-learning. Based on TIFF files, the ink keys of the press are set for the first time. The system then quickly analyses the results of a production and decides, on the basis of the pre-sets used, what adjustments may need to be made in order to optimise production. “By use of detailed reports, we can see how good the pre-set was and how much room there is for improvement,” says Menno, adding “We are only satisfied when the maximum output of a press has been achieved.”
Dampening control
Dampening control is also intelligently set up by the Smart Pre-setting System. In doing so, the system itself takes into account production information that influences the pre-set, such as the web width and hot or cold printing units. The self-learning pre-set system is of great value for printers working with different press lines, such as Auckland-based NZME, which prints The New Zealand Herald and a range of other titles including some for Fairfax Media unit Stuff. Production Manager Russell Wieck of NZME says the Smart Pre-setting software gives them more control over start-ups.
Desk 7 & Tablet 7
In the past, as many as 4 control desks were sometimes necessary to operate a single folder. QIPC automation systems make it possible to control a single folder with one control desk. Desk 7, EAE’s latest control desk, even allows 2 folders to be controlled by one desk. De Persgroep Printing in Amsterdam, among others, is successfully using Desk 7. The efficiency savings lie in the combination of QIPC’s automation systems and their full integration into EAE’s modern control desk in combination with Tablet 7.
Tablet 7 enables operators to take over the entire machine control remotely. Menno Jansen, says, “Thanks to the automation, the printer is truly a process operator. Because he no longer has to deal with the printing process, he can monitor the 2-folder process at the same time.”
At the World Publishing Expo 2019, the QIPC-EAE staff will be interacting with visitors to explain more about Smart Pre-setting, Desk 7 and Tablet 7. The company will be at its Stand E13 in Hall 21A.