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ppi Media strengthens its position in the UAE
-Dubai’s first English daily Khaleej Times orders printnet OM
One of the leading publishers in the United Arab Emirates, Galadari Printing & Publishing LLC—publishers of the first English daily in Dubai, the Khaleej Times—has commissioned the manroland subsidiary ppi Media to install its output management system printnet OM. This investment is aimed at upgrading their existing PECOM workflow with two manroland Cromoman 50 presses with heatset-coldset technology to include the prepress workflow. The joint printnet workflow by manroland and ppi Media will ensure a fully automated, highly efficient production workflow for printing house from the delivery of the digital pages through ripping and imaging to printing.

Founded in 1978, the Khaleej Times is one of the leading English dailies in the Gulf region, with a daily circulation of 80,000 copies and a multinational readership of approx. 450,000. Apart from this, the company also produces a large number of other 4c magazines and supplements including the City Times, Classifieds Times, Weekend Magazine and Young Times. Coldset-heatset production is indispensable for them. Almost seventy percent of the newspaper is produced using heatset technology. When Khaleej Times Online was launched a few years ago, the media company also moved into the digital era.

With printnet, manroland and its subsidiary ppi Media offer a highly efficient workflow management system for printers and publishers. As a flexible, modular system, it networks all print sites and production areas in the sales, prepress, press and postpress departments. Production systems from third-party suppliers can be integrated in the fully automated printnet workflow via open interfaces.


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