Web offset printing paves common
path for newspapers and books

Beginning of the 20th century is considered to be an era of the onset of web offset printing process. Since then this technology keeps upgrading through new innovations and designs, offering advanced ways to print and produce newspapers. Umasadhan Mudly, managermaintenance, Ananda Offset Private Limited (Kolkata) finds this progression of web offset technology not only benefiting producers of newspapers but also books and magazines.

Umasadhan Mudly
Now that the leading web offset manufacturers are engaging in more and more R&D to engineer most innovative machines/technologies to set advanced trend in newspaper production, a line of semi-commercial heat set presses has been designed and introduced to print cover or front pages/advertisements while cold set web machines do churn normal pages. Another trend yet progressing in newspaper production is in-line stitching folder, using glue for half-page news digest, for pullouts and supplements produced these days in colourful and catchy textures.

In fact, web offset manufacturers have constantly been introducing special features/ additional features to meet the demand for different kinds from newspaper houses and their advertisers. No doubt, advertisers show their interest in this technological trend. Introduction of Magnum Compact from GOSS International reduces height of towers and it helps a lot in retrofitting process carried out in low roof production setups, of course, investment in land/space will also be surely reduced. Wifag has also developed double circumference quadra width press for high capacity output a few years ago.

On the other side, overall development in web offset technology lends advantage to book printing too. Nowadays educational books, which were printed in mono/bi-colour earlier, are now converted into four-colour layouts. And those books printed using sheetfed presses earlier turned to bulk publishing in web fed technology to meet the increasing market demands.

As a number of printing houses start adopting web fed technology, this trend is picking up among small and medium publishers. Persuaded by such sunshine growth in the segment, even some newspaper publishers have started showing interest in investing in book printing activity. In addition, these days, all types of newsletters and progressive reports in different NGOs, public organisations, libraries, etc are also printed and produced in vivid colours ever since the beginning of the trend of appearing all things around us in colour. Even one can find all our epical books and story books now colourfully printed. This revolutionary change takes place in post-press arena as well. The advent of gapless and pinless technology for folder and folded printed forms in magazine helps book publishers in minimising finishing time and production cost.

In a German newsletter I recently read that the volume of educational book printing in the country is increasing day by day since books featuring 3D pictures, laminated pages, vivid colours, etc lend extra attraction to children. Around 37 percent increase in book printing jobs over the last two years in the country has been reported. In the similar rhythm, Britain has received approximately 22 percent increase in volume of jobs in educational books in the last one and a half year. Similar trends have been set in Asia too as Japan and South Korea witness rising growth curve in book printing segment since last five years.

Ever since the introduction of sophisticated web feed presses, suitably designed for book printing by Komori, Mitsubishi, Akiyama, etc, book production or publishing has become easier and inventive. This trend is predicted to stay for more than a decade down the line. Vision of expansion is bright particularly in the developing countries like India and China where the printing market (including books) is opening up with bigger prospects for printers and publishers alike. Ultimately the bottom line is that web printing industry, apart from its traditional newspaper domain, will be catering alternative routes like book and magazine segments.

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