Quark announces availability of QuarkXPress 15.0.1
Quark Software in Denver has announced the availability of QuarkXPress 15.0.1. This is the first update to QuarkXPress 2019, which was released on July 9, 2019. Included in this update for QuarkXPress 2019 users are improvements to many customer-requested items relating to the following:
Retina cursors on Mac: Cursors will no longer pixelate; they will be as sharp as they are on non-retina resolutions.
Programme language back on Windows: The option to allow users to set their QuarkXPress programme language differently than their system language will be restored.
Notarisation on Mac: This version of QuarkXPress has been notarised by Apple, which means all additional security checks required for notarisation have been met. Notarisation is a minimum requirement for Catalina compatibility.
Image export bug fixes: Drop shadow and composition zones will now be exported at the specified resolution. Users can expect additional improvements to this feature included in the first quarterly release in October.
Improved handling of font styles/faux styles: UI and stability improvements.
Large measurement palette settings will be saved across sessions: Users will no longer have to switch to ‘Large’ size at each launch. This setting will now be stored in user preferences.